Sunday, August 1, 2010

A week at the doctor's office

To begin, Waylon went to the doctor last week because his eczema behind his knee was looking really bad and infected. The doctor treated him with an antibiotic and some steroid cream. On Monday, he didn't seem like himself and when I got home from work he had a fever of 103. it kind of freaked us out because he was already on an antibiotic and had a fever... Motrin seemed to keep it down, but when I got home on Tuesday, it was 103 again. Ugh! I called and the nurse made us an appointment for Wednesday and when Eric took him in, he had a viral infection in his throat with tiny red bumps. Poor guy! He was not eating well and began to break out in a rash all over his body due to the viral infection. Friday he was scheduled for his 18 month visit (a little late, since he's 19 mo.), but he had dropped a whole pound since our first visit to the doctor with his eczema problem. He weighed 25.4 and was 33 1/4 inches. He is eating much better now, and in fact, pigging out, so that makes me happy. He seems to be feeling much better now. YEA!!!!!!!

Other than the doctors visits, this week has been pretty uneventful, just the usual... playing and our weekly visit to Walmart. Here are some pics to sum up our week :)

Waylon loves to pick on his little brother already, especially throwing his monkey blanket over his head.

Uh, oh, here he comes!
Wyatt, you must always watch your back :)

Poor thing can't see, so he fall's backwards...
Looks like Waylon's trying to help him out, but I doubt it :)
He loves the attention he gets from his big brother!
Oh, Waylon did not have fun at Walmart this week, he kept getting his hair pulled and slapped by you know who...

Now that's one helova buggy!

Last, but not least, are some pictures that Nana (Eric's mother) took a week ago.  Waylon is so busy running around, so it's hard to get still pictures of him.  Got some cute ones of him coming down the slide and the ones of Wyatt melt my heart.

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